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Because your dog is family...
We train entirely force free.
Dog Training for Tulsa, OK,
and the surrounding areas.
Becuase your dog is family...Dog Training Tulsa
At Out of the Dog House we belive that your dog is part of your family.
And like any other member of the family, your dog needs good manners.
At Out of the Dog House...
We specialize in training your dog in basic manners and how to live with people. By using time-tested, scientifically based training and behavior modification, we can help your dog be the healthy, happy family member you want him or her to be.
A fabulous web resource for understanding dog body language. Check it out!

Basic manners and obedience
House training
Coming when called
Walking politely on a leash
Crate training
Jumping up
Biting and chewing
Separation anxiety
Body handling (nail trim, brushing, tooth brushing, muzzle training, groomed, etc.)
Resource/food guarding
Introducing new pets

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